104 Temps, Sick Boy…

Please say a prayer or two for our little man. He’s been under the weather the last few days battling some sort of an infection/virus. He was up to a 104 temp the other day and has been puking and having diarrhea among other issues.

Image may contain: 1 person, baby and closeup

Everything we have will be scrubbed down with bleach in an attempt to keep things clean as we switch rooms to aggressively try to make sure the bug doesn’t follow us and reinfect him. We also have to ask for no visitors at this time — in part for your own safety since it does seem that what he has is potentially something that could be picked up from some baby snuggles, but also for AJs safety as we don’t want to introduce any new germs to his already weakened immune system.

Getting sick isn’t fun for anyone. Especially babies. But throw AJs complexities on top of it and it can be dangerous. The team here is carefully balancing his fluids, electrolytes and ventilator settings in order to keep his heart and lungs functioning as best possible, but he still has moments of concern where his heart rate, blood pressure or oxygen saturations either raise or drop unexpectedly, making sure to keep everyone on high alert. He had to have a urine catheter put in to help keep a more accurate eye out on urine vs stool/diarrhea outputs so that they can give him back the fluids he loses. It’s a definite balancing act, and one that AJ doesn’t like to make easy for anyone else.

We need this little guy to kick this to the curb so we can focus on getting stronger and ready for our next cath in 5 weeks or so and ultimately a hopeful transfer back out to CHOP for surgery.

On the upside, he does seem to have the “rest” part of recovery down pretty well, he’s slept pretty steadily all day and night for the past 24 hours at least.

Anyway, long story short of it? Pray for a speedy recovery from whatever this bug is, that once it’s gone it doesn’t come back, and that mom and dad don’t end up getting it too.