
So Much to be Thankful For

I don’t think anyone will be shocked at my saying that we have a lot to be thankful for this year.

Im thankful for AJ, it’s amazing what he’s taught us all in such a short timespan about compassion, prayer, love, patience, and the list goes on. He truly is our little miracle, and we are so very blessed to have him.

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I’m thankful for Averie, who has shown such strong resolve in all of this, she misses her brother dearly, but has never given up hope that he will be better and has amassed a collection of art and gifts for him.

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I’m thankful for her school and friends and teachers who have supported her through this. And Grandparents who helped her with her homework nightly. She’s a smart cookie, and despite all the challenges at home right now, brought home a lovely report card.

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I’m thankful for Aaron who has held the fort at home with his mom while I was off at a distance. No small feat with a sassy 6 year old, especially while battling his own health issues, and I know being away from AJ wasn’t easy for him either. I’ve been gone a little over 24 hours and I miss him terribly!

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I’m thankful that Grandma Janet is able to be in Philly with AJ while I’m home with Aaron and Averie. And Aunt Brandi, Uncle Andrew, Cousin Jordan, Cousin Audrey and soon Aunt Wendy, Uncle Jon and Cousin Jake as well.

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I’m thankful that in just a few short days AJ should be joining us back in Iowa, where just shy of 3 months ago we weren’t sure if he would still be with us today, and a few days ago we thought he would be staying in Philadelphia through at least February. I’m so very glad that he will be close to home and that I will get to spend more time with Aaron and Averie as well.

I’m thankful for all the Drs and nurses that have taken care of him to get him to this point, both in Iowa and in Philly. They are truly miracle workers.

I’m thankful for my employer, who has worked with me to allow me to work from our other office in PA and all of my coworkers, many of whom donated their own hard earned vacation time so that Id be able to spend time with AJ as needed.

I’m thankful for all the new people we have met – in the hospital, through various support organizations and friends of friends. I’ve never felt so loved and supported in all of my life. It’s a stark reminder for us that although there is a wealth of negativity in the world, there are truly so many amazing people left.

I’m especially thankful for all the other heart, tracheotomy and Down syndrome families we’ve met along the way who have their own challenges yet are never too burdened to answer questions and just listen to me vent.

I’m thankful for our family and our friends and strangers even that have faithfully stood by us and prayed and helped out in absolutely anyway they could, from watching Averie, to arranging my flight home for Thanksgiving, donating miles to allow Aaron to fly out to Philly, coming out to the hospitals to keep me company (and steal baby cuddles), translating medical terms into plain English, organizing fundraisers, contacting support organizations and applying for grants on our behalf, anonymously paying our water bill for Nov and Dec, making sure we had all the fixings (and then some!) for today’s thanksgiving meal, donating what they can spare, even when budgets are tight, But mostly I’m thankful that so many people have simply been there for us. Nobody has ever once questioned our choices to give AJ every chance we could to fight for his life, and everyone has been here, cheering for him and celebrating with us at every milestone – no matter how small.

And I’m thankful for the prayers and love and support we have yet to receive, but will in the coming months and years. Our battle is so very far from over, but I know we will show up very well equipped with everything above, mostly everyone’s prayers and support.

So really, to sum it all up? Thank you, everyone, for everything. 😉 but mostly, thank you to God for bringing this little light into our lives and letting him continue to brighten our days.

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