The highlight of the last few days is that I’ve been able to hold AJ a couple more times. Getting him out of bed to hold isn’t a small feat – he’s still attached to quite a few wires, tubes, drains, the ventilator, etc. but he’s still a cuddly little baby underneath it all. He enjoys starting all bundled up, but quickly turns into a little furnace like his daddy and has to be unbundled to stay happy.

Elisabeth has been here over the weekend and goes home shortly. Not long after she leaves, Nana is coming up and bringing Averie with her, so I’ll get to spend a little time with her. ❤️

As it stands, it looks like I will be going back to work in some capacity at the start of November – provided nothing changes in his treatment plan anyway. We were blessed in that the hospital that took us on is so close to the other corporate office for work, so I will be able to work from there. I also have a number of amazing coworkers who donated vacation hours – which will make it possible for me to stay at the hospital on days when he is having procedures, for his next surgery and the transport home and getting settled once we get to that point. I don’t think I could ever thank my work or my coworkers enough for everything they have done and continue to do to support us on this journey. I do think it will nice to get back to work and have some sense of normalcy again, even if it’s in a different office!

Aside from that, AJ will be up to full feeds via his feeding tube in the next few hours, and the plan is to keep him going to gain some strength and weight before trying to extubate him again. They are also doing some exercises with the ventilator to continue working on his lungs and monitoring the blood clots that he has to ensure they don’t dislodge or grow further.
Thank you to everyone for the continued prayers!