Last night was quiet. Lots of cuddles and a few good laughs. I managed to leave the hospital for the first time since arriving, I looked like crap but managed to venture into the mall for a quick couple of minutes on my way to pick up Lasairiona from the airport. Shockingly I didn’t have an anxiety attack leaving him behind, but I did know that his daddy would be there, and I was only gone for a few hours – long enough for a break, but short enough that I didn’t miss a feeding/pumping.

We received a bit of an update on our second opinion, but are still holding out on making a decision for the full, official written deal that we will hopefully get on Monday.

Aside from that he continues to be stable, he hasn’t needed the paralytics and they’re working on switching him to a sedative to replace some of the morphine now too. Should be another quiet day today and tomorrow anyway.

We’ve had family in and out and a few friends stop by, including a perfectly timed stop from some friends who brought lunch.

Looking at this ( ) makes me weepy and thankful yet. The love and prayers and donations and support are unreal – I know I say this every day, but it’s true, and I’ll probably keep saying it everyday too.