Today has been an incredibly difficult day, and I don’t suspect the days that follow will be any easier.
AJ was able to come off of the paralytics today and was a wiggly little baby again. He was also able to begin to take pumped milk in his feeding tube. And best of all? We all had a chance to snuggle up a little at the end of the day, even big sister and grandma got their snuggles in.

Today we were able to confirm that AJ does have Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome). This really doesn’t change anything for us except affect the difficulty level of the surgeries that are needed and the recovery time and type between them. Currently we are waiting for a second opinion so we can weigh out our options before deciding how to proceed, we should have that within the next couple of days.

The lessons this little boy is teaching us all are incredible. They are also so very hard, but mostly they’re incredible.

One of those lessons is about the generosity of others. I am absolutely blown away not only by the emotional support, prayers and comments we’ve received, but also by the financial support we’ve received from friends, coworkers, friends of friends and even complete strangers on the funding page that was set up for us here ( ). You are all absolutely amazing. The road ahead of us is still looking pretty darn difficult, but you all have helped take a load of worry off of our plates and for that we are eternally thankful.