3 Month Update

Oh my goodness, I haven’t updated in AGES! Not much is new with me, but I’ll at least make sure the scoop on Miss Averie is in here! So much for keeping up with blogging!

Newborn – 1 Month – 2 Month Professional Shots


Daddy  started trying to give me bottles of pumped milk on 5/26, which I promptly rejected. Daddy got me to take 2 bottles finally overnight on 5/27 – so mommy finally got a bit of sleep! I let Emily give me a bottle on 5/28 (which is this picture) and then I let mommy give me one on 5/29. YAY! We started out with the Avent ones, I drooled most of it out the side of her mouth, but I tried! Eventually we figured out that I loved the glass bottle that Heather had bought, and mommy got more similar to it and Heather was nice enough to get a couple more of them when she was in Chicago. They’re great!

Picking out my favorite shoes with mommy

Lost my umbilical cord on May 15th!

Sarah also came to take my newborn pictures for us when I was 2 weeks old.


I had my first experience in a photography studio at JC Penneys – I loved the bright lights. Mom however screwed with my hair, it was cute and curly when it was wet – little did she know it was going to look so horrible when it dried if she didn’t comb it! I was quite the big girl though – holding my head up and posing really nicely! I didn’t even cry, I’m such a little ham!

First smile mommy managed to catch on camera. Dorky smile at that 🙂 At 6 weeks I REALLY started chatting, and I haven’t stopped since. At 7 weeks I started giving giant open mouthed grins when I was a happy camper. Definitely heart warming!

I got to see the parade and the fireworks in Monticello — none of it frightened me – and I even watched a lot of the parade! I only cried at the fireworks when they were over – though it’s still out for debate if I cried because of how loud the last boom was since it was a giant fireball or if I cried because they were over – but that wasn’t the point 🙂

I got beads at the parade!

Watching fireworks with mommy

Aaron’s side of the family had a greet the baby party – here’s great grandma barb.

3 other girls mom graduated high school with had baby girls within weeks of me!

Las came to visit me from Ireland/Houston

I graduated from the sink to my “big girl” bath-tub on 6/23!


Round 2 of the studio photography experience brought us to Sears. Mom brushed my hair this time… Sears called shortly after taking her pictures to ask if they could get a release from me to post an 8×10 collage of her in the studio. She’s famous already, haha…


Length Chart Weight Chart
I had my two month checkup and all was well. I’m growing and getting smarter and stronger everyday! (click to make my length and height charts bigger!)

Sometimes the only way I’m happy is if I’m outside enjoying the sunlight. I’ll scream and fuss until the second we walk out the door and then I’m fine!

I’ve found my thumb and I’m not afraid to use it! Mom’s not sure what to think of it yet…

I’m also much better at grabbing on to things and am working on figuring out how to get them in my mouth. Someone still has to hand me my links, but once I have ’em sometimes it’s hard to talk me into letting go!!

Daddy has me addicted to TV already. Mommy prefers it when I watch Baby Einstein with Moxie instead of the History Channel with Daddy.

Nana calls me “The Bug” which is a much better nickname than the one Mommy calls me (“Missy Moo”).  She’s promised me she’ll stop calling me that soon, but it hasn’t happened yet!