Fast Scope – Next Up, PMV Trials!

These trips to the OR are getting faster and faster. We have a running joke that Dr. Jacobs can do a scope faster than the cafeteria can make an omelette.

Which, is actually a true story from one of our previous trips to the OR. Aaron went to get an omelette, but had to return to the consult room before it was ready. Needless to say, when we say he’s fast, we truly mean it!

Needless to say, I feel like we just waved AJ off, but we’re already in a room. The hand-offs between the OR team and the PICU team have been completed. AJ is happily hanging out with his iPad in his crib.

Thankfully, he woke up easily from anesthesia this time. He’s still tired, but should get good rest in the hospital overnight as he has his own room. Although it’s nice to bond with other parents, we don’t often get put into rooms that make that feasible. Often we room with older kids who have a lot of visitors. That makes getting rest difficult — for both AJ, and whoever is staying with him.

Post Op Trach Boy in Crib with Ipad

Dr. Jacobs was happy with his findings. He told us that AJ’s airway looks good. He did dilate it again and has asked to see us back in a couple months.

I also asked his Doctor about PMV trials. With as much as AJ has been pulling his trach out, I’m hoping that this may help. Recently AJ has been pulling his trach out in an attempt to get his HME off so that he can ‘talk’.

A PMV (passy muir valve) is also sometimes referred to as a speaking valve.

Dr. Jacobs agreed that we could try it out. He was slightly skeptical though. AJ’s airway is still considered to be Grade 2 Subglottic Stenosis. That means it is 51-70% obstructed above his trach. The ENT department’s LPN’s will be by later today with the valve for AJ to test out.

I am honestly excited to hear his voice. But I’m also not yet prepared to get my hopes up. We haven’t yet done any non-sedated scopes that would allow us to see whether or not his vocal chords are moving. It is easier for me to expect the worst than it is to feel let down. Plus, the celebration is much more intense and enjoyable when it’s unexpected.

Either way, I guess we’ll find out this afternoon — whether I’m truly ready for it or not!