Today I kissed this little guy goodbye for my flight home to Iowa for the holidays. Grandma Janet will be staying with him for a little bit while I’m gone.

I say a little bit because odds are that he will be leaving Philadelphia before Grandma does!
Today they’re testing him out on the portable ventilator, with a goal of getting him on a plane back to Iowa City, to continue his care and recovery back where we started – much closer to home. We knew it was a possibility, however in our process of taking things day by day, it definitely crept up on us.
Just like before when we transported out here, we are at the mercy of him doing well on his portable vent trial today, and the coordination and availability of the medical airplane companies and transport crews, but the staff said their goal was to get him home this weekend. Hopefully we will have a travel date by the end of the day today.
He will still come back out to Philadelphia for his next surgery, the best estimate for that is March, and we have no idea how long to expect him to stay inpatient at the university, it’s possible he will stay inpatient there until March even, but we are so incredibly thankful to have him back closer to home where Aaron and Averie can see him, and I can see all of them too.

I was struggling with leaving him behind in Philadelphia, but my mind is a bit more at ease knowing that it won’t be long and he will be “home” too.
It’s been a long journey, and there’s still so far to go… But we are definitely thankful this Thanksgiving for so, so much! You can all probably expect an incredibly sappy post from me tomorrow. 😉
For now – I’m thankful that I’m on a plane, heading home for some much needed family time, and that he will be joining us in Iowa shortly! 💕