The team here has decided to wait to take AJ’s breathing tube out, most likely until early next week to give him some time to rest, recover and strengthen his lungs a little more. In theory, the next few days should be relatively laid back with no major changes aside from upping his feeds and adjusting his nutrition and ventilator settings.

My friend Debbie had made a prayer bracelet to remind herself to pray for AJ throughout the day (red/blue for congenital heart defect awareness and blue/yellow for Down syndrome awareness). And if that wasn’t sweet enough by itself, she also amazingly offered to send them out to anyone that wanted one for a suggested $5 donation on the funding page. Instead of making one for me, she mailed the supplies to my home in Keystone so Averie could make one for me, which arrived safely and now is firmly tied on my wrist.

If anyone would like one yet, you can email her at or message her on Facebook.
In case we haven’t mentioned it yet, we have some pretty amazing friends and family. 💕. Please keep the prayers coming for a steady weekend and continued recovery!