Last night Aaron and I took turns taking a bit of a break from the hospital. Our friends and family have been amazing – our laundry has been kept up to date and things have been cleaned, so we needed a little bit of a “purpose” to go home and recharge a little. The easy answer to that was to make some cookies for the staff at the hospital. So yes, we made cookies during our time of crisis, but it really helped get a little bit of a break to recharge just by getting out of the environment of beeping machines and hand sanitizer… It was definitely hard to leave him behind though.

Yesterday his IV in his hand slipped out. We almost got away without having to put it back in, but unfortunately we ultimately determined he still needed his IV for his lasix. BUT they were able to put his new one in his foot. So he still has both of his hands free for gripping on to fingers, which help make some of the snuggles a little more mutual.

AJ was stable overnight and most of the day today. Sounds like there were a couple of hiccups earlier before I got back here, but we are stable again and snuggling.
In other amazing news… A friend has decided to match the donations we receive. We are completely blown away by this, and don’t know what more to say other than saying thank you. A lot. Over and over again. The link for the page is here:
Most importantly, thank you all so much for your continued prayers and well wishes! We should be meeting with our team of Drs and making decisions on how to proceed tomorrow. So please keep the prayers coming!