
Sickness for (almost) Everyone!

First thing Friday morning, Averie was sent home from school with pinkeye. I knew it was coming considering it’s tied in with the Adenovirus that AJ first had. It never really slowed her down any, It’s now been a couple of days and she’s doing better with the drops.

Image may contain: Amber Gale, smiling, child and closeup

AJ was doing better, and we thought he was maybe coming home on Monday, but as of last night / this morning he’s seemed to have turned the corner back down the road of being snotty and junky. The pictures Aaron sent seem to validate that, but this afternoon he was napping and finally seeming more comfortable.

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I am still feeling awful, fighting a temp and struggling to keep much down. Im super thankful Averie is able to keep herself entertained and even fed as moms definitely not focused on getting food on a table.

Image may contain: Amber Gale, smiling, closeup

A couple of other thanks I want to make sure aren’t missed:

First to Amy for bringing me bags of groceries that I can actually eat. Despite my failing to tell her that I was home and other bouts of failed communications while I was half out of it. She made sure I had stuff to eat and drink and provided entertainment while trying to make my selections.

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Second to Brandon and Justine for taking care of Averie. I vaguely remember Brandon being in the ER for a moment before he had to leave to take Averie home. She claims that she didn’t give either of them a hard time, and by the time Aaron and I got home everyone was fast asleep at the house, including Averie.

Third to Janet who doesn’t get near enough credit for all that she does, for not only making sure our laundry was hauled off to laundromats and everything was clean in time for our new washer to arrive, but also for stepping in and staying at the hospital to care for AJ while Aaron and I were both unable to do so. Praying that she stays healthy!!

And finally to the lady in the ER at UIHC on Thursday who helped out the sobbing, passing out mess that was me. I had sent Aaron back to stay with AJ and was managing the wait on my own but kept getting nauseous and was really just having one anxiety attack after another. She was a complete stranger who came up and sat with me and helped get me attention when I was really at a low point. (The wait had been almost 90 minutes by that point). I never saw her face, and I know she told me her name, and I believe it started with a T, but I didn’t retain it. I do recall her saying that she had a sister my age and that she was sad I was there alone and I tried to explain that Aaron was with AJ, but I don’t think I got very far. Either way, it was so very much appreciated, and if anyone knows who it might be, please pass along my extreme thanks!

In summary? Praying that everyone’s on the mend and that Aaron gets some rest – This week coming up is a busy one as Averie finishes out the school year and I’m meant to be traveling for work. And we’re super thankful for the grace of caring strangers. 💕

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