AJ can get around very proficiently in his walker, as evidenced by the CR Heart Walk and HADSA walk this year. Convincing him to walk without his walker? Not so easy.
Often he will take a step or two. Sometimes he can be bribed with an iPad. But it hasn’t been enough to feel like he’s really making much progress.
I didn’t really think much about how scary it might be for him. Kids learn to walk, it’s just what they do, right?
Typically, kids learn to walk before they’ve registered that falling down is dangerous.
Typically, kids learn to walk when they are closer to the ground and not quite so tall.
Typically, kids learn to walk and they don’t have to overcome things like ankles that need braces to support the body, and one sided weakness left over from a stroke.

I was starting to think about maybe cutting AJ some slack and letting him work on walking more on his own. Then one of his nurses mentioned that he was really interested in the tape that was used to mark where kids are meant to line up in the preschool classroom.
For some reason, that triggered a lightbulb in my head.
I went out and bought some tape.
Okay. That’s a lie. First I got online and ordered some really awesome looking race track tape.
Then I went to the dollar store the next morning for something completely unrelated and spotted a cute roll of tape for $1.
I talked myself into it. “He can use it starting today,” and “He would probably rather drive his cars on the road tape anyway” were my top two arguments. With myself. In the aisle. Out loud. Because I’m that kind of crazy.
Anyway, I brought it home and stuck a strip on the floor that goes nearly the length of our living room. And….
He actually ASKED to do it again. Usually we have to convince him and make everything into a game. This time he made it into a game all by himself and asked to do it over and over again.
He still needs to be reminded to slow down. He still wants us close so he feels safe. But wanting to practice walking is a big deal for him. Here’s hoping we start to see more progress soon!
I’m sure that racetrack tape won’t go to waste… it comes with curves and everything — thinking maybe I can eventually convince him to do an obstacle course with it. Watch this space!!!