Last night Averie went live with me to do an interview on this topic. We didn’t rehearse it, though I did give her some idea of the types of questions that I was going to ask.

To say I was nervous when I pushed the live button would be a complete understatement. Averie isn’t the sort of kid to sugar coat things. She’s a very “tell it like it is” sort of person. So although I was 100% certain she would have great things to say about her brother, I wasn’t 100% certain on how she would deliver it.
Thankfully, she only threatened to beat up bullies (who don’t exist), and didn’t say anything inappropriate. 🤣
Fact is, she loves her brother, and she wouldn’t change him for the world. And that makes my heart unbelievably happy. 💕
If you’re interested in some statistics/survey metrics around siblings with Down syndrome, this is a pretty encouraging read:!po=0.980392