Fun fact: you don’t need a blender to feed your kid a “blended” diet! We used this trick when we were first starting solid foods, before investing in our vitamix, and also use it when we are in a pinch and without our normal food on hand.
Some days you get a little off schedule and things don’t go to plan. Today was one of those days. I took the kids into town to see Santa at my work and only took one meal for AJ with us. The day morphed (in a good way – I got to hang out with my friend I don’t often get to see), but it meant we were out and about without enough food for AJ…

Enter baby food. Most baby food pouches average around 30 calories per 3-4 ounces, which is nowhere near enough per ounce for a four year old who can only tolerate about 12 oz per meal, but there are a few that are actually 80 calories — Like these from Plum Organics.

As an added bonus, our syringes fit inside of them and we can draw food out without having to transfer them to another container.

AJ managed to get his meal, and the rest of us got to enjoy a meal out together at HuHot. Definitely something I would call a win!
Aside from in a pinch like this, it was an easy way for us to check to see how AJ tolerates certain foods. When we first started AJ on solid foods, we used the stage one baby foods. We would give AJ a little bit of one food at a time mixed in with his formula. It allowed us to try using some blended foods to make sure he would tolerate it before investing in our Vitamix and going “all-in”.