A ‘Cookie’ Family was founded!

The blog has been quiet.

It’s not that I haven’t had a lot to say — I most definitely have!  I even have a lot of drafts started!  Just never found the time to finish everything up as we’ve been busy with our new business!!!

After some poking and prodding, some research with various state and county departments and some financial discovery — I decided it made sense to sell the cookies I make.

Lots of people had been asking me if they could buy cookies from me…  Lots of people had been telling me I needed to do it, and the voice in the back of my head kept saying — “If you sell them to other people, you don’t have to eat them all anymore AND you have a good excuse to make LOTS!!”

It’s been a whirlwind.  We started on November 4th, and before we realized what happened, we had enough orders to cross the 1000 cookie mark before the month was up.  Crazy?  Maybe…  but I love it!!   (I mean, seriously – my house always smells like fresh baked sugar cookies!!  What’s not to love?!)

I’ve littered this post with most of the different cookies we’ve made this past month.

We’ve done birthday cookies, housewarming cookies, movie release cookies, baby cookies, thanksgiving cookies, going away cookies, just for fun cookies…  we even made birthday Minnesota Viking cookies that were mailed to the Vikings front office for someone’s birthday there too (talk about nerve wracking!!)

We named our business “A ‘Cookie’ Family”.  Possibly a slight play on words, because we might possibly be a little ‘Kooky’.  I’m excited to make little cookie people for each of us someday soon here — Aaron in his hat with his beard, Averie with her pigtails and me with my glasses and curly hair… they’ll be fun!

Trumpet and Music Note Cookies

I’ve learned a ridiculous amount of things about running a cookie business this past month.  Most notably, I’ve learned I’m not super woman.

Okay, I might have already known that – but sometimes I like to be in denial…

You can like our cookie page on Facebook here.

Thank you for being so super patient as we figure all of this craziness out!!

2 thoughts on “A ‘Cookie’ Family was founded!

  1. Congrats! That is so exciting, and I LOVE all the cookies! I’m definitely going to have to order from you some time 🙂

  2. I am so dang proud of you guys! I know it is a lot of hard work but you reached out to do something you love. You may not be super but you are strong and I know where you get that!

    Love you guys!

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