The last 12 hours or so have been a little rough.
AJ decided that this breathing on his own business was too much effort for him – he started to lose his color and his chest started to retract more and more. Ultimately the team made the decision to reintubate him.

Unfortunately that decision was made RIGHT at the same time that Aaron needed to leave for the airport, all that combined for a pretty emotional goodbye as Aaron left to take the train to the airport.

Putting the breathing tube back in and going back on the ventilator isn’t the end of the world, and we had prepared ourselves for the assumption that it would have to go back in, but that still doesn’t make it easy to accept any backwards movement.

His medical team have assured us that the repairs to his heart look great so far – now it’s a matter of clearing up the other complications — his lungs being weak, getting him up to full feeds, giving his chest a chance to heal and clear out the chyle, etc. there’s a lot going on in his world!
Here’s to hoping a few days of rest will strengthen him up for the next attempt! Please keep the prayers coming!