A Unique Style, All Her Own…

This year for Halloween Averie was going to be Dorothy.

But I’m a BAD, TERRIBLE mom, and I forgot about ordering her costume.  And by the time I remembered, it was too late.  We scoured the stores and came up empty handed.

So I sent Daddy and Averie out one night to get a costume.

Averie came home with a light up witch’s dress in purple and green, hot pink fairy wings and a light pink mask.  Most of which was gigantic on her.

The ‘everything must match’ ‘control freak’ in my had an absolute MELTDOWN when they got home.  I didn’t say anything to her, but I’m pretty sure it didn’t take much for Aaron to figure out I wasn’t happy.  Her preschool Halloween party was the next day, and Averie LOVED what she had picked out.  So there was just no turning back.

Her school does have a ‘no witches’ policy, so the obvious light up witch dress (it had potions and skulls etc on it), was replaced by one of her party dresses and she was suddenly now dressed up as…


I still have no idea what she was.

What are you supposed to be?!
What are you supposed to be?!

I wanted to hide when it was trick or treat time.  Actually, I did – I had a networking meeting that I went to, so I arrived late and Aaron had already taken her around, so I was secretly hoping that I wouldn’t have to walk my oddly dressed child around town and I could just raid her candy hang out with her.

But when I got there she was SO incredibly happy.  She was loving every minute of being whatever it was that she was being.  And her happiness rubbed off on me.  I hauled her off trick-or-treating to a few houses before she decided she was tired of it all and was cold.

It didn’t matter that her costume didn’t fit the standards of what I thought she should have on for Halloween.  It didn’t matter that she was different than everyone else.  It didn’t matter that she didn’t really match.  It didn’t matter that she wasn’t even dressed up as anything in particular.  What did matter was that she enjoyed herself, and got to dress up as what she wanted to be for Halloween.

Definitely was one of those lessons in letting things go, and relinquishing control.  Those darn kids sure do teach parents a lot of things!  I’m still secretly hoping next year we go for something a little more ‘normal’ though…. 🙂

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