An extra big thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate this handsome little miracles first birthday. He was a trooper throughout, only threw up a couple of times, and even enjoyed his first evening nap outside. I’m still trying to process the fact that we’ve come this far. He’s such a blessing. And a whole lot of work…. But definitely worth it, especially when you see how happy and smiley he is and when you realize just how much he’s brought all of us together. 💕

I still remember being at he U of I, and Aaron looking at me and saying something about how when it’s AJs turn to celebrate a birthday that he expected me to go all out. So I certainly gave it my best go with the time and resources we had!

Anyway, I don’t want to drag this out to another long post, but suffice it to say that I’m really, incredibly thankful that we got to celebrate today. 💕