AJ’s bedtime routine is pretty well set in stone and he does so well with it that it feels like he deserves recognition!
– He gets his meds and water at 9 before we head from the living room down the hall and to bed.
– We read three books, stopping once before the last one to put his sensor on his foot.
– He turns out the lights and gives kisses.
– We toss him in bed, plug in and set his sensor/monitor and tell him to put his head down.
– We tuck him in, putting the blanket under each arm (and often his face buried in his pillow – good thing it’s not how he breathes).
Typically I stand in the doorway and peek through the crack to watch his pulse ox monitor for a few minutes. Most nights he doesn’t move from there and goes right to sleep. Once he’s out will sleep through until morning, even if we go in and give him meds and food, and he will even sleep through his loud monitor beeps (which are typically false alarms) and diaper changes.

With as much work as he takes in other areas of life, it’s so nice that this is one area that has always come pretty easily for him, because let’s face it, by his bedtime Mom and Dad are pretty darn exhausted!!