
AJ’s Getting a Glenn?!

This handsome little boy has no idea what he’s getting into, but all of his amazing progress have managed to get him put on to the surgical calendar for this coming Monday!

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There’s a whole mixed sea of emotions that come with that announcement. Ultimately, this is GOOD news, AJ needs to have his next surgical procedure. And thus far the procedure he’s scheduled to be having is his Glenn, which means we likely aren’t throwing a whole new procedure into the mix to increase his total number of surgeries needed. Also good news!

But it still means we’re handing over a squirmy little boy to a surgeons hands on Monday, and praying he comes back to us as the same squirmy little boy, just a little sedated, sore, and with better heart function. It’s a pretty big ask.

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We haven’t chatted with our surgeon yet to find out what he thinks, but we do know that his procedures in the past were all deemed to be high risk. With odds slightly better than a coin toss. I’m hoping with the better cath lab results this week that maybe we will have better odds in the OR too. Though AJs struggles have historically been more during recovery time, outside of the OR, so we will be praying for that to go smoothly too.

Aside from that, all we know is that this is going to be a snuggle filled weekend and Monday is going to be a stress filled and incredibly emotional day, where we will definitely need the help of all the prayers we can find.

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