It’s that time of year again. Every January AJ goes into the Cath lab to check his heart function and to make any “minor” interventions that can be done safely. In the past he’s had a stent placed in his pulmonary artery and they’ve coiled off collaterals (extra blood vessels that formed to try to compensate for his low oxygen levels).
It’s also the time of year where we get a true picture as to what his pressures are for his Pulmonary Hypertension. His PH is currently one of the major things is standing between him and the Fontan surgery – the next heart surgery for his single ventricle heart.
Amazingly, his pressures were the best they’ve ever been. In fact they are in range for being eligible for a Fontan. There are still other items that need to happen before we can consider it, but that was the most amazing news we’ve had in a while!
AJ has always had a gradient (narrowing) in the arch of his aorta. In the past they’ve ignored it, but this time they decided it was different enough that it warranted some intervention so they ballooned it. It still has a small gradient, but it’s much more even than it was before.
All-in-all good news, he’s admitted for overnight observation and we will hopefully be home sometime tomorrow!