It’s quiet in here.
Too quiet.
Usually at this hour the feeding pump is at least whirring away. But in preparation for his procedures tomorrow he doesn’t get any food overnight and his last feed had to end by midnight (lest he turn into a gremlin)…

The plan for tomorrow is to head back to the University to the cardiac cath lab at 9:30. There they will take a look and check his pressures, coil off any collateral blood vessels that have formed, and place a stent in his aorta and/or pulmonary arteries as needed.
When they’re done with the cath, around 230, he will be transferred (still sedated) to the general OR for an ABR (sedated hearing test) and to have his ears cleaned out and tubes placed if needed.
That should take a couple of hours before he will be done and likely admitted overnight. AJ has a tendency to clot after cath procedures and end up with swollen extremities.
If you have a spare second to say a prayer or two for AJ and his procedures tomorrow, we’d be forever appreciative. It’s easier to prepare for these kinds of moments when things are rough, but handing over a happy and playful baby is not my idea of a good time