Birthday Name Cookies and Averie’s Cookies

Sometimes simple is the best!  Especially since simple cookies usually leave me in a mood to play with cookies instead of just making them…

These were for a little girls birthday party.  Pink and purple, using the same icing as  the cupcake cookies!

I was so excited to play with cookies with Averie that I don’t think I got any other pictures of those cookies.  Oops!

Speaking of Averie playing with cookies…  these are her beautiful creations!  The icing did actually start out on all of the cookies…  oops 🙂

I’m kind of a fan of the massively sprinkled cookies…  they were crunchy to eat, but they were delicious…  I think cookies that are done by three year old taste better anyway!

And seriously, how can you not adore this little baker!?!  I wish I’d snapped a video of her having an argument with one little sprinkle that wouldn’t go where she wanted it to as she poked it with a toothpick…  guess the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree there, huh?

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