Lasairiona has a long standing theme of not taking my advice.
(If she tries to deny it – she’s lying — just ask her about how she was never going to sign up for Facebook because Bebo was where it was at…)
We met through writing online. She has a talent for writing – and I have a talent for nagging her about using her own talents… But true to her form, when I would nag at her that she should do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) with me, she’d protest or find some reason to not do it.
The irony of this is, that she decided to finally embrace it and take the leap into writing during one of the most crazy difficult parts of her life as her family’s life was being flipped upside down and they were being uprooted unexpectedly from India back to the UK…
And now look where she is… An author, with a real book, edited, published, available on kindle and in paperback, across the globe. And not only that? Her book is number 1 in new releases in Family Travel.

I don’t make a lot of pitches to my friends online. But she truly deserves the support, and although this is non-fiction, it’s chock full of anecdotes that make it an easy read even if the subject matter of being an expat doesn’t apply to you. Being an expat doesn’t apply to me either, but when I read the book I found I was focused on how full it was of stories about some of her most amazing adventures while living away from home.
In short — you should buy the book. It’s available on Amazon.