Closed Chest!

This morning the team here at CHOP closed up AJ’s chest. They were done sometime around 11, but it took a couple of hours of playing with his ventilator settings and medications to get his numbers all where they need to be. The last set of numbers looked good though, so for now we just keep praying they stay that way and we can keep them there overnight before messing with anything else too much.

Today’s pictures probably aren’t for the squeamish – I did at least make them black and white. But I figure this is part of his journey and deserves to be documented and shared too. There’s a before and after of his chest when open and closed. Now that it’s closed, he still has a couple of drainage tubes – one for his chest wall and another for the fluid he had in his tummy. Those will come out in due time, but we aren’t in a rush. This is definitely a marathon, not a sprint, and patience is incredibly important. I’m sure my friends all know how ironic it is to hear me talk about having patience. 😉

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So – for today, pray, pray, pray that everything stays stable and consistent!