Color Run

My pregnant self decided it was a good idea to take on the color vibe 5k with two of my best friends and my daughter and godson.

This is what happened.

Image may contain: 5 people, including Amy Overbey and Amber Gale, people smiling
Pink. Lots of Pink…

We didn’t start out that way… it was originally fun and innocent. (Lewis wasn’t quite as into the color as the rest of us were if you can’t tell!)

Image may contain: 3 people, including Amber Gale and Amy Overbey, people smiling

It really was a fun time though.

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Even if Averie did break her shoe in the middle of it, resulting in Amy running the race course backwards to retrieve a new pair of shoes for Averie, who in the interim found a lovely family willing to give her a ride in their wagon…

Image may contain: 2 people, including Amy Overbey
Amy and Averie BEFORE the shoe incident

Thankfully Amy caught back up to us – and they still both got covered in color!

Image may contain: 2 people, including Amy Overbey, people smiling