Congratulations Scott and Kylee • Wedding Cookies

My brother and sister-in-law were planning to renew their vows and have a ceremony and reception, and I wanted to help…  so when Kylee suggested I help out with the candy buffet, I offered to pitch in some glassware, and to help stock it up with cake balls, cookies, dipped pretzels and colored popcorn.   I love food, pitching in for sweets was definitely right up my alley!

In the end, my friend Emily was a rock star and ended up doing the cake balls for me, but I managed the rest, even if I was still dipping pretzels in the hotel room after the rehearsal dinner.

Totally normal to do this in a hotel room, right??

By 10:30 PM or so everything was all bagged up, done and ready to go – plenty of time for beauty sleep since my princess was set to be a flower girl in the morning

And here are all of the different cookies before they left my house:

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The wedding itself was gorgeous, and Averie did a great job as a flower girl, even if she forgot to throw the flower petals out on her way down the aisle – she remembered to do it on the way back up though, so they didn’t go to waste!

Throwing the petals on the way up the aisle.  Photo Credit: Vogue Photography

Seriously, she was stinkin’ cute, and she knew it!

Photo Credit: Vogue Photography

And seriously – how gorgeous does my sister-in-law look?!

Photo Credit: Vogue Photography

And how freakin’ cute are they together?!  My brother was a handsome groom too…  can’t you just feel the love here?!

Photo Credit: Vogue Photography

Anyway, back to the wedding…  it was a beautiful event, everyone did a rock star job making sure everything was gorgeous!

Photo Credit: Vogue Photography
Photo Credit: Vogue Photography

And we made sure that the candy buffet was well stocked all night!

Photo Credit: Vogue Photography

Well, it would figure that the first chance I have for a professional photographer to take pictures of some of my cookies that there would be something that I wouldn’t like about them, right? I over-beat the royal icing… which made it crumbly as it dried.  This isn’t something that would annoy the everyday person, they tasted fine and still looked pretty, but it annoyed me… and I can see it in the pictures…  I’ve since learned my lesson.  No more over beating of the icing!!

Photo Credit: Vogue Photography
Photo Credit: Vogue Photography

Anyway, nobody else seemed to notice, much less mind, and the candy buffet had visitors and was busy all night long.  I’d call that a success anyway!

Congratulations to my brother and sister-in-law on having such a beautiful wedding and more importantly, for finding each other — we love you both very much!!!

Photo Credit: Vogue Photography