Cupcake Cookies for Mrs Cupcake

I absolutely love cupcakes from That One Cupcake Place.  Especially Pineapple Cupcakes:

Seriously – whats not to love here?! *drool*

Anyway, for Mrs. Cupcake’s birthday I had promised to make her cookies.  I don’t know if she remembered my promise (since it had been months since I made it) but I  never forget an occasion to make cookies, and I never forget cupcakes, so there was no way I was going to forget this occasion!

And what kind of cookies do you make for your cupcake lady?

Why, cupcake cookies of course!

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In purple and pink no less…  because those are just cupcakey colors…

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I might have snuck in some watermelon and dinosaur cookies into the same box too…  just because!

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Cupcake!!