Delayed Birthday Smash Cake

So at AJs birthday party, he never got to have his cake that Annie from shortCAKES Bakehouse made for him.

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He was having a good day today, due for a bath anyway, so we decided to take it out of the freezer and let him at it.

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Playing in it – he absolutely loved. Fortunately for us – he’s not adverse to trying to put everything in his mouth. That’s good news for therapies and trying to get him to learn to eat. Unfortunately for him, mom and dad weren’t quite able to keep him from shoving mouthfuls of frosting and cake in his mouth. He really looked horrified that his fingers would betray him the way they had. But – he did better with it this time around than he did with the cupcake we gave him back in September. And when all was said and done he got to drench daddy in water during his bath and took a good two hour nap. He didn’t really eat much of it, but I’m pretty sure he had enough sugar all over him that he absorbed enough of it for a sugar high and crash. 

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Then we rounded out the evening with family over for an unplanned dinner that rivaled most thanksgiving dinners. Between that and having a nice calm Saturday with dinner in and a movie with just Aaron and I while Averie was at Grandma Janets, I’d say it was a pretty darn good weekend!! Here’s to hoping it carries forward into the week!

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Still waiting for word on what’s next with our next transfer back to Philadelphia. It’s seeming likely that it won’t be until January, which would mean finally getting to have Christmas at home, but we can’t quite hang our hats on it yet. Either way, we hung up our outdoor Christmas lights today while the weather is still nice. Definitely hoping we will be home for the holidays one way or another 💕

Image may contain: one or more people, people sleeping, baby, closeup and indoor