I completely spaced announcing that AJ was discharged on Saturday! And I’m saying it now, while acknowledging that he is going back in tomorrow.

He will be having a bronchoscopy and they might do some balloon dilation and/or remove the granulation tissue that was there when they removed the stent.
His favorite thing lately is FaceTime. He loves calling his sister especially. Once he has her on the phone they blow kisses back and forth. Aaron also returned home this week, flying home Monday morning.

I have some pictures that show his incision healing progress, it is healing well. He has been back to his normal speed and doesn’t even acknowledge that he has an injury (much to my dismay as he continues to act like any other 3 year old boy and climbs and tumbled all over the place whenever he finds a chance). He does have a lot more secretions and needs suctioned more than he did before. Enough so that we were concerned he might be aspirating, but after doing some testing with food coloring it doesn’t appear that it is a likely culprit (though still not completely ruled out). Praying that he’s just drooly as part of the healing process, we should know more tomorrow about how he’s healing internally as well!
Incision pictures are below here, so if you don’t want to see them, don’t scroll down 🙂