Don’t Take Away my Diuretics!

So this first picture shows what AJ looked like when he first got sick vs what he looked like this morning, after 24 hours off his diuretics.

Image may contain: 2 people, baby and closeup

Sometimes it gets easy to forget how healthy he may sometimes seem. But his little body definitely needs a lot of help along the way. Although – I will say that his coloring is better in the second picture, even if he looked like a swollen mess!

Image may contain: one or more people and baby

His labs this morning had his kidney numbers back in the right places. Definitely an answered prayer! All of his cultures came back negative as well. He still has the added issues of the narrowing in his aortic arch that were identified during his echo, but I’m so thankful that there doesn’t seem to be any immediate cause for alarm that his organs are in distress. We will undoubtedly still need to move quickly forward, but having one less thing to stress out about is an incredibly big deal.

Image may contain: 2 people, baby and closeup

He’s back on his diuretics again now, and acting like nothing ever happened. His face is still a little swollen, but nothing like it was this morning.

Image may contain: one or more people, people sleeping, baby and closeup

For good measure, I threw in a few pictures of his last cuddles before leaving iowa with big sis that I hadn’t shared yet too. (They’re far less jarring!)

Aaron will be joining us soon, and we are waiting for AJs cath to be officially scheduled so we can figure out our next steps.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone for the prayers after our last update. I have no doubt in my mind that they absolutely worked.