Fevers and Fluid Overload

The last 24 hours weren’t as nice as the ones before it.

Overnight AJ spiked a temp, so we had to send off cultures and start antibiotics. He also continued to protest the idea of getting rid of fluids, so his feeds were stopped just before getting to full capacity and they are adjusting his diuretics to try to get some of that fluid to budge. Also true to his norm, he destroyed his two IV access lines and had to have them removed and his art line isn’t looking the best either. Losing the art line will really suck because without it they will have to stick him to get labs – which they need a lot of right now. He also was swollen in his arms and had to have a couple ultrasounds to figure out if there are clots in his arm or if it’s just swollen – we haven’t heard the results of those yet.

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Toward the end of the day things were looking a little brighter, he was finally filling up some good sized diapers – but he was still nowhere near losing all the fluid he’s put on since surgery. There’s still a long road in front of him and a lot of work to get his fluid balance under control to make sure it’s not affecting the rest of his body.

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Anyway, more later when I have the time and energy, but in the interim if you have any prayers to spare, I know a little guy who could use them….