First Day of Preschool

So my baby had her first day of preschool today…  Guess she’s not really a baby anymore, huh?!

She’s in the afternoon preschool class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  This morning I only had to haul her off to daycare.  Aaron went to meet her at daycare to see her get on the bus and do the daddy thing with snapping a couple of pictures.

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I picked her up after school.  She was in SUCH a good mood.  Until I handed her the family picture that we were supposed to have with the rest of her school supplies.  She absolutely did not want to give it to her teacher.  Eventually she did it – and I was incredibly glad that I had printed two copies so I could give her another one in the car!

I learned quickly why the school sends home a newsletter explaining what the kids learned in class that week — our drive home was filled with “I don’t know” responses to every question.  What did you learn today? “I don’t know”.  What’s your teachers name? “I don’t know”.  Do you like ice cream?  “I don’t know”.  I did eventually get some answers out of her.  They gave her a cookie for a snack.  And they sang happy birthday to someone, but she didn’t sing because she was too shy.  There was also a cleanup song – but she didn’t help clean up because she was being naughty.  (no idea what she was doing – but her teacher didn’t mention anything about being naughty!)

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For those wondering, I didn’t cry.  But I did cringe at how grownup she looked when I picked her up!  And she’s already looking forward to going back on Thursday!