We put these printable cards together to pass out with the PALS socks that were ordered for our DSDN Fundraiser. We not only sold socks to our friends and family, but also asked for friends and family to sponsor a kid in AJ’s classroom so that we could send a pair of socks home with each kiddo to help them celebrate World Down Syndrome Day.
PALS socks are adorable, mismatched socks that work perfectly to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day on 3/21. They partner with Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network (DSDN) to help raise funds for their organization.

Although the copies we printed ourselves are pretty specific to AJ, we turned them into an editable canva template so that they can be updated with your own photos and text. Once we finished updating ours, we downloaded them on our computer and put them on a word document to fit four to a sheet and cut them out.
It’s super simple, and it really adds a level of personalization to your socks when you’re delivering them to friends and family or if you’ve done a classroom fundraiser where you’ve asked for people to sponsor the kids in the classroom to all get a pair.
Ready to customize your own? Access the editable canva templates here.