With AJ coming home soon the focus has largely been on getting the house ready for him. Clearing out space to make room for his things. Kicking the cats out so he doesn’t have breathing problems. Cleaning and enforcing rules about eating in the appropriate rooms so things stay clean. And unfortunately for Averie it meant mom and dad went through and got rid of some of her things too.

So today was dedicated to Averie. And getting HER space ready for AJ to come home – aka somewhat making over her room. We don’t have time to finish up her bed building plans at this moment, so instead while dad was at the hospital, we went shopping and used up a couple of gift cards and picked out new bedding, rods for displaying her artwork, a white board, new lights, even a new alarm clock. We hung up things we’ve just not had time to hang up… And she went to bed tonight a happy smiling girl. 💕

PS: Big thanks to Amy for helping work the power tools. And a second preemptive thanks to Aaron for fixing our crooked hanging later on down the line. 😜