Giving the gift of Thank You

I feel so incredibly honored to have been able to take part in this project with more than 50 other wonderful cookiers that was organized by Anita of Sweet Hope Cookies.  Anita is an amazing woman, not only does she make beautiful cookies and write with eloquence, but after losing her brother Randy to ALS, she now sells her beautiful cookies and 100% of the money is donated to the ALS association.

I would continue to write more about Anita and how wonderful she is, but the best thing you could do for yourself is to hop over to her blog and read some of her words yourself.  I can assure you that you won’t be disappointed in yourself for taking a few minutes to read it.  For those of you without a few minutes, here’s her summary of the project:

What I’m hoping to do with “Giving the Gift of ‘Thank You’” is to put one dozen ‘thank you’ cookies in the home freezers of all 50 people living with ALS who are currently being served by the Oregon – SW Washington chapter of The ALS Association.  These will be their cookies to give away as a special ‘thank you’ when ever they want and to whom ever they want. The progression of ALS may no longer allow them to go buy a gift or write out a card or pat a back or legibly speak the words but having a few beautifully decorated ‘thank you’ cookies in their freezer means they have the availability to give something special to return a kindness for a kindness. It’s such a simple thing but it’s not a small thing.

These cookies were my contribution to the project.  I am amazed at the generosity of the cookie community again.  Thanks to everyone that participated, over 600 “thank you’s” will be shared from people who may struggle to be able to say so in everyday language.  Definitely something to celebrate!

Thank You Rainbow Cookies