Golden Girls Cookies

Faces are one of the hardest things to put on a cookie – right after faces are words.  Especially when there are lots and lots of them!

I had a request to make some Golden Girls cookies that combined both of those two things – faces AND words.

Mike from Semi Sweet Designs has previously conquered the golden girl cookies, so I can’t take credit for the idea!  He’s absolutely amazing, and if you’re looking for a talented cookier to follow, you should hop over and follow him!  The original artwork for these girls is done by Glen Hanson.

In the end, I was able to take some inspiration from Mike and create these beautiful ladies and all of the amazing quotes and phrases that go along with them.

Golden Girls Cookies
Golden Girls Cookies

 I only managed to snag ONE in progress shot of these lovely ladies.  Probably because I was so focused on making sure I didn’t spell anything wrong on the rest of the cookies! 

Work In Progress!
Work In Progress!

I’m going to have the Golden Girls’ theme song stuck in my head for WEEKS now.  Good thing I love it!!

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