Although he’s definitely feeling better in general, we aren’t in the clear yet.
AJs blood cultures from the ER came back showing bacteria (Granulicatella adiacens). Unfortunately this particular bacteria has a tendency to kick off endocarditis – basically inflammation in the heart.
So today he had an echo (no areas of concern at this time), and we continued toward a ten day MINIMUM course of an antibiotic (vancomycin). He’s going to have daily blood cultures drawn in addition to other labs as needed to balance the antibiotic and figure out what is going on with his iron/anemia related issues as well.

He’s already bored out of his mind trying to keep busy doing something other than playing on the iPad all day so I’m hoping we can come up with some new ideas to keep him busy.
On the upside, we will have a good view for the game on Saturday, and will get to experience the Iowa wave from the hospital viewpoint. On the downside, he doesn’t actually care about that so much as the adults do. And he’s pretty tired of not being able to move around like he wants to and of being poked for labs.
That said — It’s amazing that this was even caught since blood cultures weren’t part of the typical plan for the issues he presented with in the ER. We are incredibly thankful that it was caught when it was and that the outlook is optimistic at this point, but we all know that things can often change very quickly – especially when it comes to AJ. So needless to say if you have a moment to spare and can say a quick prayer, we definitely appreciate it. 💕