Halloween Costumes 2018 – The Shadow and The Little Old Man

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting

Averie went as a shadow, AJ was a cute little old man. We went down to Turner Hall for the costume contest – AJ didn’t melt down until near the end, a pretty good feat compared to last year! He even managed to win 3rd place in with the three year olds. I love living in a small community that does so much for the kids 💕

Image may contain: one or more people, tree, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: 5 people, including Amber Gale, people sitting

Afterwards Averie went trick or treating with friends and we took AJ to a few of the neighbors houses. Since he doesn’t eat candy we decided to “reverse trick or treat” and brought candy to the neighbors with a cute poem and how to sign “thank you” note instead.

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