First off. Happy (now belated) Mother’s Day to all the moms, especially Nana and Grandma Janet! I don’t know what we’d do without you both. As if raising us wasn’t enough hard work, now you’re stepping in to help raise our kids. And believe me, we know they’re not always a walk in the park. We love you!!

We had a Mother’s Day mostly split apart, but it was still a reason to celebrate!

Aaron was at the hospital, but Averie stepped up her game and brought me breakfast in bed, which I was thankfully able to gracefully offer to her. Guess she thought I realllly would like strawberry syrup in my milk and in my cereal. Good news? She liked it. And was happy to sit in bed with me and eat it and bring me a bagel instead. She also got me a card, which turned out to be a graduation card. But it had a really pretty bookmark so she thought I’d like it.

We hung out at home and watched Pete’s dragon. Then we hit up Kohl’s and Target and did a little shopping and stopped at Texas Roadhouse for some takeout before heading up to the hospital to visit Aaron and AJ. Who made me the cutest little card ever.

Poor little mans still feeling awful. He spiked a 101.4 temp just before Averie and I left. No ETA for coming home yet.

Being inpatient stinks. Aaron has picked up most of the hospital stay and I’m definitely thankful for the chance to catch up on sleep and housework. It’s strange getting a taste of what “normal” life is like. Even just being able to go to the bathroom in peace and not having to listen for pulse ox alarms. And getting up and going to Target whenever you feel like it is a treat! But at the same time? I miss the crazy. I miss the full house. And I miss the constant demands to be bounced.
Here’s hoping we’re all back home soon!