Heading Back to CHOP

We are on the road again! This time he’s going in for some follow up appointments with cardiology and his ENT/Surgeon is going to be doing a follow-up scope to see how his airway is healing and to discuss next steps.

Thankfully, AJ likes car rides. Unfortunately, he gets car sick and pukes easily with the motion. Thankfully (again), our hotel we stayed at and the Thompson’s have washers and dryers…

Speaking of the hotel… I somehow managed to leave my wallet in the room in Fremont. They’re graciously holding on to it for me, and Aaron has the same cards as I do, but geeze. We both did a walkthrough of the room, and even my tile (which normally informs me I’ve left places without my keys or wallet) didn’t notify me. For a split second I thought maybe it was a divine intervention to make sure I didn’t use up my Starbucks gift cards on this trip or something… but then I remembered they’re all loaded into the app anyway. 

I’m sure we will have an update as appointments carryon. Meanwhile we are saying our prayers for good results, and hoping nobody catches on that I’m not Aaron Gale when I have to borrow his card to pay for things!!