Heart Cath #5

Tomorrow AJ will be going in for his fifth heart cath. This ones a little different than the ones before as this time he’s going in due to some degree of obstruction in his aortic arch AND to recheck his pressures in preparation for his next surgery.

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Depending on what they find is causing the obstruction during cath, while they are in there they may opt to balloon it, put a stent in or leave it be to be addressed surgically.

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Every cath he’s had has been nerve wracking, anytime someone goes into your heart there are risks of complications, but this is the first time they’ve needed to most likely do some sort of intervention and it has me the most nervous of any of them he’s had yet.

Image may contain: one or more people, baby, indoor and closeup

So we’re here, praying that whatever they find is minor and easily addressed, praying that he doesn’t have any clotting problems as they will have to go in arterial to address the obstruction, and praying that his pressures are looking well enough that we can move forward toward his Glenn!