Helping Feed Himself (Thank Goodness for Enfit!)

AJ loves to help feed himself. Or at least try to. Sometimes his blended meals are too thick to actually help. But he puts in good effort!

The medical parenting world is a little crazy at the moment while everyone is in the process of switching to enfit (which involves screw on syringes). While I can see why so many are against the switch, for us – it works amazing — AJ loves to help feed himself. Or at least try to. Sometimes his blended meals are too thick to actually help. But he puts in good effort! With regular syringes the food would be all over the place!

I can’t remember if I updated that he had to go back on lovenox. Unfortunately that means he bruises easily. He gave himself a shiner today. Definitely won’t be the last one. Thankfully it was AFTER we did family pictures last weekend.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, closeup

I think that’s it for today, hopefully I’ll have those family pictures done soon. 💕