He’s Back from OR!

Prayers have certainly been answered!!

He’s back from OR and settling in to his new bed slot. Everything looks good thus far, his bleeding is minimal and slowing down, his urine output is still as expected, his oxygen levels look good, he’s on some additional ventilator support, but he’s already breathing over the vent.

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His stress response after any procedure is to run a temp within 24 hours, our nurse today is proactive and we have a constant temp being monitored.

He’s on an array of meds to help with pain, sedation, heart function and more…


He’s out and on the other side of the OR fence. And we have a fancy new sign as a result of our OR intubation discoveries.

Recovery from surgery is always a rocky ride — coming off of support, weaning medications etc, but thus far everything is coming along as we’d like to see it.

I don’t think I can thank everyone enough for their prayers and support. It has meant the world to us.