Holter Monitor Time

Today AJ had a semi-impromptu cardiology appointment.

Earlier in the week he had a few episodes where his heart rhythm was slow and irregular – skipping beats, doubling beats and just being erratic in general. It was always in his sleep, never a fast rhythm, and wasn’t seeming to affect him any, but still is something that we wanted to make sure was looked over ASAP as we aren’t really willing to take chances with this little guy. He had this issue on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights – but as far as I could tell didn’t have any issues on Wednesday. That said the only way we know is if his rhythm is off enough that it makes his sensors read a really low heart rate.

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So today Aaron got to take AJ to his first dr appointment without mom. (He did have one of our nurses with him) 😊. They hit up cardiology and drew some labs.

They did an EKG which looked fine, so that was good news. They decided to send us home with a holter monitor for 24 hours. It has 5 sensors attached to his chest and sides and the device itself is the clock looking thing in his lap. This will record all of his heart rhythm data over the course of a full day so the docs have a better picture. As much as we don’t want anything bad to show on this, we do want it to show up in this 24 hour window if something is wrong.

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After the doctors appointment, they stopped off at a Chinese restaurant to eat where another table picked up the tab for Aaron and our nurse. Unfortunately they had left before they were able to thank them, but it definitely warmed everyone’s hearts. 💕

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So I know we ask for prayers a lot, but truly I think this little guy would not have made it this far without all of the love, prayers and support he’s been shown over the past year. So if you have a moment to pray with us for answers that are easily actioned, we would greatly appreciate it.

Also – prayers for some reserve tanks of energy for us would be great as we are entering night three in a row with no nursing. Having the same night nurse daily is a blessing the vast majority of the time, but when she’s down and out it hits hard. If anyone could say a prayer or two that she recovers soon, that would be appreciated too.

And on that note, I also left you with cute pictures. Averie really is an amazing big sister – she’s electively made it part of her bedtime routine to read to AJ every night. 💕