Averie had her Christmas concert tonight. Nana was able to stay home with AJ so both Aaron and I could go – even if we had to arrive separately since he works late. Grandma Janet even got to go too!

Averie very proudly discovered that she can change her earrings on her own now, and insists on wearing tinted lip gloss almost daily. Pretty sure we might have a girly girl on our hands! She also loves tall boots and painted nails…

Yesterday was a full day of Drs appointments for AJ -including an echocardiogram. Unfortunately his echo showed a narrowing in his aortic arch, guessing about a 25% gradient, which was supported by a 20 point difference in his blood pressure between his leg and arm and his valves leaking more due to having to work against that pressure.

This means we need a heart cath to potentially intervene. We believe this will happen in Iowa, but aren’t positive yet as we need to go out to Philadelphia anyway for other reasons and they may want to compile it all into one trip.
Other than that, his appointments went well, and we have some adjustments to his feedings to make.
Tomorrow we will venture out to see Santa at my work. I usually try to avoid taking AJ to things with lots of kids because of the increased risk of germs. I’ve realized over the past few days especially how much of a germophobe I’ve become – I put hand sanitizer on three times when checking out at hyvee the other day. Just crazy.

Please pray that we’re able to get out on the other side of this needed heart cath without any issues. Although AJ has had multiple catheterizations before, we’ve never actually had any interventions done during them and they’ve only been exploratory. And maybe drop a spare prayer for our venturing out tomorrow that we manage to stay healthy! (And that I don’t lose my sanity, ha!)
We also managed to get our annual gingerbread house decorating in. And yes, we used store bought icing — we don’t eat these things anyway!