Late Update from Last Bronch

Well. I just realized I never finished this post from last hospital stay. So while we sit waiting for him to come out of the OR again, here are last weeks scope results and pictures from our last hospital stay.

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He was swollen still and they weren’t able to tell if his vocal chords are moving yet, but there was mucosa almost completely covering one of the grafts, the other still has a ways to go, but the general consensus was that he is healing.

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Now it’s a week later — for the past 6 days or so he’s been pretty pukey, thanks to some constipation.

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Meanwhile, I managed somehow to get strep throat. It doesn’t seem that I passed it on to AJ, but Amy was able to fly up at last second notice (literally – “can you get on a plane tomorrow?”). And she has been here to help. Thankfully I was able to get started on antibiotics quickly and have turned a corner relatively quickly, and hopefully AJ does too from whatever he’s dealing with.

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So – currently he’s in the OR, having another bronch done – this time by his surgeon, and we will hopefully have another update soon!

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Having a serious conversation about behaving in the OR today.