Leaving The House

Today we escaped the house.

Target, Carlos O Kelly’s and JC Penney/Sephora. He doesn’t get out much. So when he does, he stares. Wide eyed. At everything, which for anyone that knows him – it’s pretty impressive since at home he doesn’t ever stop moving.

Image may contain: 2 people, including Amber Gale, people smiling, closeup

He also epically puked all over Elisabeth in the parking lot. So they’re best buddies now. 😂 in all seriousness though, it was great to have some company – he comes with a lot of equipment, and although I can get it down to just two bags and the baby, those two bags are pretty darn heavy. And as she put it – she makes a good pack mule 😂

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I’m hoping as the weather improves and the germs diminish a little we will be able to get him out and about even more. If not for his development, for moms sanity!

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, closeup and food

Despite the fact that he wasn’t physically active and rolling all over the place today, he was exhausted from all the stimulation and crashed to bed in his Jammie’s from Helena.

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It’s ridiculously hard to find snaps in anything past 12 months, and or 12 months run small compared to elsewhere. With all his wires and tubes, snap front Jammie’s are about the only thing that keep him from yanking on them – besides the sleep sacks! Anyway – they’re perfect. Thank you!