This little boy had a slightly busy morning!
Before 9 AM he was able to have both of his drainage tubes removed – his chest tube that was draining the chyle from the digestive issues that were identified last week and the PD drain that had been in since his surgery to clear out the fluid that accumulated around his stomach from the Lipids and the issue we had with the line they were traveling through.

Seeing him with two less big tubes coming out of him is a relief, and some sort of a sign of progress!
He also started getting skim breast milk mixed with monogen formula, which was a relief for me since I’ve been pumping and he’s barely been able to have any milk until now. Makes it all seem worthwhile again!

It will probably be mid to late next week before they try pulling his tube out again, he needs to gain some weight and strength. But we are continuing to forge forward.
Nana and Averie arrive late tomorrow night. Definitely excited to see my girl. ❤️
Please keep praying! We still have a long way to go….