LTR Surgery, Next Steps

As I arrived at the hospital today, Aaron and AJ were just getting back from a walk around the unit. he wasn’t exactly happy that his walk ended in the same place it started, but it was nice to see him get “out”. He still has his picc line and is hooked up to pumps, but his last round of antibiotics runs through tomorrow. Hopefully after that they will remove the picc line and he will just be hanging out.

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He started his feedings back up again today, so far so good – he’s eating at a (much) slower than usual pace, but he’s tolerating it and Aaron is working on getting him up to speed.

Outside of that, I’m pretty impressed with how well he seems to be recovering. He’s still not exactly happy, but he’s up and moving around sooner than I had expected.

Outside of the antibiotics/picc line, the plan is to start his lovenox again tomorrow. Thursday they will do a scope to see how he is healing (just at the bedside, no OR trip this time).

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We’ve had some amazing folks do some pretty amazing things for us in the past 24 hours again as well. AJ has some new toys for the hospital, including a Sesame Street character play set and an Elmo balloon that is currently tied at JUST the right height so he can hit it from inside the crib, and Aaron and I are certainly not going to starve during this hospital stay. We are truly lucky to have such awesome people in our lives. 💕. Thank you (everyone!) for your love and support as well. It means a lot to us to know that so many people are praying and sending all the good vibes they can.

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On this end we are continuing our prayers that he continues to tolerate feedings and that the scope looks positive on Thursday!